1)Explain briefly any one concept involved in the intra organization e-commerce (work flow mgmt ,product or service customization and supply chain mgmt )
2)Explain internal e-commerce system with any diagram of its technical architecture.
3)Explain the terms advertising and marketing and bring out steps involved in interactive marketing process on the information.
4)Explain briefly three important areas information search and resource discovery productive.
5)Any one concept of multimedia and digital video
6)Explain the terms
(i) corporate digital library
(ii) types of digital documents
(iii) Corporate data ware house
(iv) market research
(v) WAIS
(vi) virtual reality e-commerce.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
EC 2nd mid questions
WT 2nd mid questions
DWDM 2nd mid questions
1. Apriori algorithm with an example?
2 (a) Explain how does e-mean algorithm with an example
(b)Explain working of DB scan algorithm?
3.What is decision tree? write adcantages & disadvantags of decision tree
(a)mining text data
(b)mining world with web
5.Define outliers? how the outliers can be detected and transformation can be applied?
6.Explain bayes classification?
7.Explain different association rule manning?
MWT 2nd mid questions
1. Write about interface respiratory?
2. Explain dynamic methodunvocation?
3. Write an example explain the process how java corba is portable
4. Explain corba:orb mapping?
5. Write in detail about delegete in event model?
6. Writeabout EJB Designguide lines?
7. Explain corba:nv list mapping?
8. Explain about BOA interface?
9. Explain the process of communication through BOA?
10. Explain the process of deploying through EJB file?
UML(OOAD) 2nd mid questions
1.Howis activity diagram used to model an operation? Enumuerate the steps and give an example diagram
2.Explain briefly what are contents, common properties & commom usersof component diagram?
3.Define event & signal?what r the four kinds of events modeled by an uml?
4.Define component?diff b/w component & class?how are component & classes related?
5 (a). Enumerate the steps to model adaptive systems. Illustrate with an uml diagram?
(b).Enumerate the steps to model the executable release. llustratewith an example?
CN 2nd mid questions
1)Explain about silly window syndrome (Clark’s algorithm) (or)
Nagle’s algorithm
2)Write notes on DNS
3)Solve the hierarchical routing problem (or) theory
4)Solve the subnet masking problem (or) write notes on subnet
5)Explain about count-to-infinity (distance vector routing)
6)Explain about TCP segment header
7)Write the differences between leaky bucket and token
bucket.(congestion control)