Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Wednesday, March 3, 2010 0 comments

1. Explain the architecture of CORBA ORB(object request broker)

2. Explain advantages & dis-advantages of client/server models

3. Explain briefly the concept of "Deligates"

4. Explain "Type reflection"

5. Explain exception handling mechanism in CORBA
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OOAD (uml)


1. Define UML, explain the importance & principles of modeling?

2. Explain things in uml with examples

3. Explain relationships & extensible mechanism in uml

4. Explain class & its properties with examples

5. Enumerate the steps to model the logical database schema

6. Define classifiers with attributes & operations

7. Explain any four(4) stereo steps in advanced dependency relationship

8. Explain the properties of sequence diagram and Enumerate the steps to model flow of control by time ordering

9. Explain architecture of UML
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