Friday, October 30, 2009


Friday, October 30, 2009 0 comments!158
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MPI certificate..

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AECS Certificate..


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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DCS 2nd mid exam questions..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 0 comments

1. write about alternate protocol
2. what is analog modulation systems
3. what is transverse electromagnetic waves
4. write about european timer division multiplexing
5. what is spherical wave front and the inverse square law
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MPI important questions


1. 8085 architecture
2. timer
3. 8259 icw,osw
4. 8251
5. features of advanced micro processors
6. difference b/w micro processor & micro controller
7. explain
(a)what is an interrupt
(b)types of interrupt
(c)how it works
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CG important questions..


1. Describe the 3d-transformation for
2.explain composition of 3d-transformation
3. explain
(b)classifications of projections
(c)transformation for general projections
4. explain procedure for
(a)depth buffer algorithm
(b)depth sort algorithm
5. explain
(a)warnocks algorithm
(b)weiler algorithm
(a)oc tree method
(b)binary space partitioning methods
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ACD important questions for 2nd mid..


1. Describe stack and stack storage allocation strategies with examples
2.Define the following
(a)basic block with examples
(b)peephole optimization
(c)algebric transformations
3.explain code generation algorithm with examples
4. Explain different object code forms and describe the issues in code generation
5. What is flow graph? explain how the given program can be converted into flowgraph
6. Explain about type checker, type conversion
7. explain type checking of expression and translation schema for checking the type of statement
8. what is DAG? explain with example
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